... bridging and surfacing from Route 51, two miles north of Marble Hill, north. Route EB Four miles grad— ing, bridging and surfacing from Route H, just east of Neely ville, south and east; Route W 0.2 — mile grading and surfacing, about a ...
HOUSE STRENGTHENED BY STEEL BRIDGING. The function of bridging in residential construction as it is usually executed in this country is an important one. although its position under the subflooring renders it less likely of notice than ...
... bridging and surfacing from route B seven miles west of Westboro north to Iowa lino. Route N — 7 miles grading, bridging and surfacing from U, S. 36 two miles west of Dotham north to route 4. Route U —3.8 miles grading and surfacing ...
... bridging patch. I^iura McCullough, personal health, cookie, year pin, junior aide, and bridging patch. Jaye Roberts, cookie, year pin, junior aide, and bridging patch. Trina Reeves, sign of the star, cooking, camera, personal hearlth ...
... bridging These bridgings consist ol three types (1) Split Bank. Active Bridging. (2) Passive Budging and (3) Summation, Active Bridging. Split Band Active Bridging utiliies 4- wire transmission facilities for two-way communication ...
... Bridging Plan, one of the first programs of its kind in the nation. The bridging plan basically calls for loans to be made to family practice, Internal medicine and pe- diatric physicians during their residency and for these loans to be ...
... bridging These bridgings consist ol three types (1) Split Bank. Active Bridging. (2) Passive Bridging and (3) Summation, Active Bridging. Split Band Active Bridging utilizes wire transmission facilities for two-way communication between ...
... Bridging and Paving J. bridging and surfacing from U. S. Andrew county: county: Route C — 8 169 in Union Star north. Route K miles grading, bridging and sur — .9 mile grading and surfacing acing from route 48 at Rosen- from U. S. 36 in ...
... bridging and surfacing from roule A west la roule B. Clinton counly, roule 0, involving .2 mile of righl of way acquisition, grading, bridging and surfacing al a point about a mile northwest, of Mecca. Daviess counly, roule V, .2 mile ...
... bridging and a No 3— Appanoose county: J>:> ing mrpssary for grading • ruction east of Centerville. rcmn; county . 13-mile earth de- Vir 'o bridging between Shenan- and Sidney. Lee county: 12- • a'th (jAtour beginning at Farrn- !ue to ...