Hobbies Drawing

9 Free Calligraphy Practice Sheets

Hands of female calligrapher writing on colorful paper with white ink

Cavan Images/Getty Images

These free calligraphy practice sheets will teach you the basics of modern calligraphy. There are practice worksheets that teach you brushstrokes, help you relax your breathing, and even teach you a few different styles of the alphabet.

Modern calligraphy, sometimes referred to as faux calligraphy, doesn't require any special tools. All you need is an everyday writing utensil and some paper.

Being able to write using modern calligraphy means that you can write beautiful notes and letters impressing all your friends and family. It's really perfect for someone who is looking to improve their handwriting, whether you want to make it decorative at not. You'll learn some great techniques that you'll be able to use in your everyday handwriting. It's also great for the beginner, who may want to get into traditional calligraphy or brush lettering in the future.

If you find that you enjoy these free calligraphy practice sheets, you may want to consider taking a calligraphy class.