The flag of Vietnam

The history of the Vietnam flag

The Viet Minh (a Vietnamese political and paramilitary organization, founded in 1941 by the Communist Party of Vietnam), a political party and an army fighting for the independence of Vietnam, used a red flag with a yellow star in the center during the war against the French colonial government. At the end of the Second World War, Viet Minh's political leader, Ho Chi Minh, proclaimed Vietnam's independence and signed the decree of 5 September 1945 adopting the red flag with the yellow star in the center as the national flag. After the reunification of July 2, 1976 between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, the red and yellow flag becomes the national flag of Vietnam.


The Vietnamese flag is found in administrative places, schools, some shops and homes, on T-shirts or in posters, and all over the streets during commemorations or city or village festivals. The author of the Vietnam flag still remains a mystery today, giving rise to controversies and endless assertions.

The Vietnam flag has two main and very popular colors in this part of the world: yellow and red. The background of the Vietnam flag is red and the middle five-pointed star is yellow. Red is the symbol of Vietnam's struggle for independence, but since the establishment of the communist government in the country, red now represents the revolution of the working class and the yellow star represents the power of the Communist Party in Vietnam. Each point represents the different categories of the population who contributed to the construction of socialism in Vietnam: the peasants, the workers, the intellectuals, the tradesmen and the soldiers. This star is there to remind national unity, a very important concept in the history of Vietnam that has gone through many hardships and sacrifices to get there.

The national flag of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (cờ đỏ sao vàng or red flag with the yellow star) is rectangular in shape, its width is equivalent to two thirds of its length, and in the center is a yellow five-pointed star on a red background. The flag of Vietnam is the soul of Vietnam and Vietnamese, so it is present everywhere from the countryside in the city during the holidays and important events of Vietnam. You will find it in front of private houses, government agencies and public places during your trip to Vietnam.

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