


25g of wakame seaweed, 1 clove of garlic, olive oil and vinegar


Soak the seaweed in water an leave for at least half and hour.

While the seaweed is soaking you can slice or smah the clove and mix with the olive oil and the vinegar.

Once you strain the seaweed mix it with the vinegar sauce. The degree of vinegar is a personal choice so perhaps it´s better to add little by little until think it´s enough.

Normally we buy dry seaweed and that´s why we need to soak it before hand. We also need to keep in mind that seaweed expands so 25g should be enough for 4 or 6 people. It could be eaten on toast or a slice of fresh bread. It´s up to you!!!!

This recipe is ideal for vegetarians!!!! (and it has an amazing taste of anchovy). If you have a thyroid disease you should know that seaweed is a natural source of iodine.

And that´s all!!!! Enjoy it!!!!

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