

Author: Teresa Scordino
Category: Morphologic variants of normal cells > Morphologic variants of Red Blood Cells/precursors > Erythroid Precursors
Published Date: 01/13/2016

•Proerythroblasts (also called pronormoblasts) are the earliest erythroid precursors.  These are large cells with basophilic, agranular cytoplasm, round nuclei and high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratios.  The chromatin is evenly dispersed, but is slightly more dense than myeloblast chromatin.  One or more nucleoli may be visible.  A perinuclear clear area (hof) may also be seen.  A single proerythroblast is seen in the center of this image.  Polychromatophilic and orthochromic normoblasts are present on the right side of the field.