Nature-Inspired Color Palettes: Tips and Techniques for Creating a Harmonious Color Scheme
Written by  Daisie Team
Published on 7 min read


1. Observe Nature

2. Color Theory

3. Tools and Apps

4. Applying Nature-Inspired Palettes

5. Inspiration from Famous Artists

Colors play a significant role in our lives, and nature offers an endless source of inspiration when it comes to creating a harmonious color scheme. If you are looking for a nature-inspired color palette, you have come to the right place. In this blog, we will explore various tips and techniques to help you create a captivating color scheme based on the beauty of nature.

1. Observe Nature

The first step in creating a nature color palette is to immerse yourself in the natural world and pay close attention to its colors and combinations. By observing nature, you can discover a wealth of inspiration and learn how color combinations work together in harmony.

Pay Attention to Colors

As you spend time in nature, make it a point to focus on the colors around you. Notice the various shades of green in a forest, the vibrant hues of a sunset, or the subtle tones of a rainy day. Each of these moments offers a unique color story that can inspire your nature color palette. Don't forget to consider the colors of flowers, animals, and even rocks and minerals — these can provide unexpected and beautiful combinations.

Notice Color Combinations

While observing the colors in nature, pay attention to how they interact with one another. For example, consider how a bright red poppy stands out against a field of green, or how the blue of the sky compliments the warm colors of autumn leaves. Identifying these natural color pairings will help you create a balanced and cohesive nature-inspired color scheme.

Explore Different Locations

Don't limit yourself to just one environment when seeking inspiration for a nature color palette. Explore different locations, such as forests, mountains, deserts, or beaches, to discover a variety of color combinations. Each environment has its own unique color signature that can offer fresh ideas and perspectives for your palette.

2. Color Theory

Understanding color theory is essential when creating a nature-inspired color palette. Color theory provides a framework for selecting and combining colors in a harmonious way. Let's dive into some key concepts that will help you create a balanced and visually appealing nature color palette.

Understanding Color Harmony

Color harmony refers to the pleasing arrangement of colors. When colors are harmonious, they create a sense of balance and unity in your design. To achieve color harmony, it's helpful to have a basic understanding of the color wheel — a circular diagram that shows the relationship between colors. The main colors on the wheel are red, yellow, and blue (primary colors); orange, green, and purple (secondary colors); and the colors created by mixing primary and secondary colors (tertiary colors).

Complementary Colors

Complementary colors are those that are opposite each other on the color wheel. For example, red and green, blue and orange, or yellow and purple. When used together, complementary colors create a vibrant and dynamic contrast. You can find many examples of complementary color pairs in nature, such as the red and green of holly berries or the orange and blue of a sunset over the ocean. Incorporating complementary colors into your nature color palette can add visual interest and energy to your design.

Analogous Colors

Analogous colors are those that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. They often occur together in nature and create a harmonious and calming effect when used in a color scheme. Examples of analogous color combinations include shades of green found in a forest, the blues and purples in a twilight sky, or the warm hues of a desert landscape. Using analogous colors in your nature-inspired color palette can help create a sense of cohesion and tranquility in your design.

3. Tools and Apps

Once you have a basic understanding of color theory, you can start creating your nature-inspired color palettes. Thankfully, there are many online tools and apps that can help simplify this process and enable you to easily experiment with different color combinations. Let's explore some popular options that can help you develop the perfect nature color palette for your project.

Adobe Color CC

Adobe Color CC is a powerful and versatile tool that allows you to create custom color schemes based on various color harmony rules. You can experiment with different color combinations, adjust individual colors, and even extract colors from images, including photos of natural scenes. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, Adobe Color CC makes it easy to create a unique and harmonious nature color palette.


Coolors is a user-friendly color scheme generator that helps you create beautiful color palettes in just a few clicks. You can start by selecting a color from the color wheel or by uploading an image, such as a photo of a stunning natural landscape. Coolors will then automatically generate a color palette based on your selection. You can adjust each color, lock the ones you like, and continue generating new palettes until you find the perfect nature-inspired color scheme.

Canva Color Palette

Canva's Color Palette tool is a simple yet effective way to create a nature color palette based on an image. Just upload a photo of your favorite natural scene, and Canva will automatically generate a color palette based on the dominant colors in the image. You can then use these colors in Canva's design tools or export the palette to use in other applications. This is an excellent option for those who want to create a color scheme that captures the essence of a specific natural environment.

4. Applying Nature-Inspired Palettes

Now that you have created your nature color palette, it's time to put it to use! Nature-inspired color schemes can be applied to various fields, such as interior design, graphic design, and web design. Let's take a look at how you can use your nature color palette in these different areas.

Interior Design

Using a nature color palette in interior design can create a calming and inviting atmosphere. You can start by choosing a dominant color from your palette for the walls and then use complementary or analogous colors for furnishings and accessories. For instance, if you have a palette inspired by a forest, you could use a deep green for the walls and then choose earthy browns and soft creams for your furniture. Don't forget to incorporate natural materials, such as wood and stone, to enhance the connection to nature in your space.

Graphic Design

When it comes to graphic design, a nature color palette can be used to design logos, packaging, posters, and more. The key is to choose colors that work well together and convey the intended message. For example, if you're designing a logo for an eco-friendly brand, you might use a palette inspired by lush greenery to communicate sustainability and environmental consciousness. Or, if you're creating a poster for a nature photography exhibition, you could use a palette inspired by a striking sunset to capture the beauty of the natural world.

Web Design

A nature color palette can also be applied to web design to create an engaging and visually appealing website. Start by choosing a dominant color for your site's background or header, and then use complementary or analogous colors for buttons, links, and other elements. Be mindful of contrast to ensure that your text is easily readable against the background color. For example, if your nature color palette includes shades of blue inspired by the ocean, you might use a deep navy for your header, lighter shades of blue for buttons and links, and white or light grey for the text. This will create a harmonious and visually pleasing website while evoking the calming feelings associated with the ocean.

5. Inspiration from Famous Artists

As you create your nature color palette, it's helpful to draw inspiration from artists who have successfully incorporated nature-inspired colors into their work. Artists like Claude Monet, Georgia O'Keeffe, and Vincent van Gogh have mastered the art of using nature-inspired colors to create memorable and timeless pieces. Let's explore how these artists have used nature color palettes in their iconic masterpieces.

Claude Monet

Claude Monet, a pioneer of the Impressionist movement, was known for his beautiful landscapes capturing the essence of nature. Monet's famous series of paintings of water lilies, for example, showcase a range of greens, blues, and pinks, which together create an enchanting and harmonious color scheme. By studying Monet's work, you can learn how to effectively use a nature color palette to capture the atmosphere and beauty of the natural world in your own designs.

Georgia O'Keeffe

American painter Georgia O'Keeffe was known for her bold, vibrant, and unique interpretations of nature. O'Keeffe's paintings often feature striking color combinations inspired by flowers, landscapes, and other natural elements. For example, her painting "Oriental Poppies" showcases the vivid contrast between fiery red-orange petals and a deep, dark background. This dramatic use of a nature color palette can inspire you to create your own bold and eye-catching designs.

Vincent van Gogh

Another artist who skillfully used nature color palettes in his work was Vincent van Gogh. Van Gogh's famous painting "The Starry Night" is a great example of how he used a nature color palette to evoke emotion and create a sense of movement. The swirling blues, yellows, and whites in the night sky contrast beautifully with the dark, earthy colors of the landscape below. By analyzing van Gogh's use of a nature color palette, you can learn how to create dynamic and evocative designs that connect with the viewer on an emotional level.

As you can see, there's a wealth of inspiration to be found in the work of these famous artists. By studying their use of nature color palettes and incorporating their techniques into your own projects, you can create designs that are not only visually appealing, but also deeply connected to the natural world around us.

If you're looking to improve your skills in selecting the perfect color palette for your projects, be sure to explore Jauni's (tofublock) workshop, 'How to Pick a Colour Palette'. This workshop will teach you essential tips and techniques to choose the right colors that will make your work stand out and create a cohesive visual experience.